★ なんという偽善!

在宅ロビー活動にご参加いただいている皆様、朗報です! 私たちの主張をドイツ公共放送ドイチェ・ヴェレが大きく報じてくれました



bach rodong2








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◆ 例文
件名: DO NOT SEND THE WRONG MESSAGE TO NORTH KOREA など(タイトルは個々別々のほうがいいので、できれば変えてください。From ・・とあなた様の名前を入れても構いません)

Dear President Bach,
(CC: Presidents of National Olympic Committees)

I am writing to urge the IOC not to worsen the human rights situation in North Korea by taking part in their propaganda campaign and sending the wrong message to the regime. The North Korean regime has been condemned by UN General Assembly resolutions for committing crimes against humanity and it should not be ignored in the name of sports. "The educational value of good example, social responsibility and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles" enshrined in the Fundamental Principles of Olympism must be respected.
The German public broadcaster Deutsche Welle has reported our claim.

North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported on 31 March that "The IOC president said the purpose of their visit to Pyongyang is to express the most heartfelt thanks to respected Chairman Kim Jong Un", and that you made "active cooperation while taking special measures beyond rules and precedents."
I ask the IOC to clarify whether the report is true or not.

There are hundreds of Japanese citizens, including a 13-year-old girl, abducted by the North Korean government and Japan is strongly demanding for their immediate return. Because North Korean Olympic athletes are state propaganda personnel, not amateur sportsmen, the Japanese public do not welcome them in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. If the IOC wanted to change the situation, you should have urged Kim Jong Un to release Japanese abductees immediately.

One of the most shocking crimes against humanity that the North Korean regime is committing right now is systematic killing of half-Chinese children on racist grounds. According to the UN Commission of Inquiry report, the North Korean authorities believe mixed race children contaminate the "pureness of Korean race" and a witness told the Commission: "guards put the baby in a bucket and took it away saying ‘the baby is not human’ and ‘[it] does not deserve to live because it is impure.'" (Paragraph 426)
Paragraph 432 stated: "In most cases, guards at the detention facilities in which repatriated persons are held force either the mother or a third person to kill the baby by drowning it in water or suffocating it by holding a cloth or other item against its face or putting the baby face down so that it cannot breathe."
The BBC reported North Korea’s slaughter of half-Chinese children back in 2003. It has been going on for decades.

By a handshake with IOC President in front of the media, Kim Jong Un now believes that the international community has condoned his regime’s crimes against humanity. There will be more children murdered in North Korean detention facilities.

Yours truly,

◆ 翻訳文

